Friday, April 30, 2010

I have explored human expression from a number of different angles. Piece 1 is a self portrait which uses multiple expressions to display how the face portrays the layers of one's personality. In Piece 2 I combined the faces of people as they wish to be seen by others, resulting in a study of human expressions when they are broken down and simplified. Pieces 4-7 observe the same subject with different expressions. I used ink and hard line to show the definite substance behind human expression, and softer use of charcoal to create range and depth of emotion and mood, illustrating how human expressions have power beyond the specific characteristics of each face. Piece 8 and 9 reduce the face to these basic elements using details of the subjects. The effect is to demonstrate these factors despite their lessened communicative ability relative to the human form in its entirety. I removed the face for Piece 10 to convey expression using the entire body rather than just the face. Pieces 11 and 12 similarly remove expression and rely on the basest forms of body language to describe human interaction and emotion, describing the many ways, both good and bad, people communicate with each other.

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